Frequently Asked Questions
What is unique about Zuf products?
In nature, honey bees consume nectar and pollen. They do not consume any other part of the plants.
Using our proprietary technology and expertise, we combine roots, stems, barks, flowers, fruits, and leaves from different plants, that are well known for their beneficial medicinal properties, to produce feed for the honey bees.
The foraging bees consume our special feed. Then regurgitate the feed and gradually transform the feed into a honey-like substance by evaporating most of the water from it. This process of continual regurgitation enables the bees’ to produce a substance that retains the health-supporting properties of each of our plants while adding powerful enzymes from the bees' digestive system. Included in the final product are thousands of bioactive ingredients.
The natural phenomenon inside the beehive production process significantly increases the potency of each ingredient fed to the bees and makes them more easily absorbed by the human body.
Each one of our beehive products is more powerful than the sum of individual botanicals used to feed the honey bees, and naturally more holistic.
What is the difference between herbal honey and Zuf Globus non-infused herbal honey?
Herbal honey is made by mixing other plants with the already made honey.
Our non-infused herbal honey is totally different, as honey bees consume the plants and then produce the honey.
The result is honey that contains the benefits of each plant, intensified by the addition of newly created enzymes and other wellness benefits.
What is the difference between regular honey and Zuf Globus products?
One spoonful of regular honey contains about 120 active ingredients. One spoonful of Zuf Globus non-infused herbal honey contains thousands of active ingredients.
What happens in the bee's stomach and how does this contribute to Zuf Globus products ?
Bees make honey because it is an important food source for them. To produce honey, the bees must collect a sweet liquid called ‘nectar’ from the flowers. Worker bees suck the nectar from the flowers with the help of their long and flexible straw-like mouths. The nectar passes through the bee's mouth into the "honey stomach" –a special pouch in the bee's abdomen, where it is stored.
The bee's stomach contains enzymes: proteins that accelerate chemical reactions. These enzymes help break down the complex sugars into simpler sugars – fructose and glucose – using a process called "inversion." The bee releases and stores the processed nectar in the hive. At this point, she can feed her beehive friends or store the nectar in the hive's hexagonal cells. These cells make up the honeycomb. Then bees seal the cells with wax. The water in the processed nectar evaporates because of the constant heat in the hive, and the liquid becomes more viscous and concentrated. This liquid is what we know as honey.
When bees make our products, they receive biologically active substances along with foods that are not contained in the regular nectar. When processed by the bee’s body, these substances are strengthened or form new substances. A notable example: the bee will produce active Vitamin A from inactive beta-carotene.
How do you ensure the quality of your products?
After extracting the honey from the beehive, samples are sent to an independent laboratory for testing to ensure that it meets our quality requirements and is free of contamination.
How long should I take MEL before feeling an improvement?
There is no precise answer to this question because we are all unique. It depends on each product, and the nature of wellness support. You may experience benefits in as few within 2 hours or within 5 to 7 days. In some cases, it may take up to a month to feel the full results. Individual results may vary.
Have the Zuf Globus products been independently researched?
Zuf products have been in use for the last 20+ years. LifeMEL was tested in a phase I clinical trial in Israel, and phase II was recently completed in Italy. DefenseMEL, BronchoMEL, and LaryngoMEL were tested on children who have chronic wintertime symptoms. LadyMEL was tested on menopausal women.
Can children take Zuf Globus products?
Do not give MEL to children under 2 years of age. This applies to all beehive products, not just ours. The reason is that the immune system of a child at that age has not yet fully developed. There is a possibility that bacteria from honey (all types of honey) might interfere with the child's body (especially botulism bacteria).
Can people diagnosed with diabetes take Zuf Globus products?
Zuf Globus products are not recommended for people diagnosed with diabetes. We recommend consulting a doctor before use.
Can your products substitute for medication?
Our products are not a substitute for medications.
Do you offer products to support energy during the day?
EnergyMEL. The power of EnergyMEL from the beehive is in the ingredients of the unique herbal extract consumed by the bees. Siberian Ginseng, American Spikenard, and Magnolia Vine are herbs that have been found effective for managing daytime fatigue, weakness, or stress. Some of these plants have long been recognized in professional literature for their ability to help increase energy and strengthen cells’ ability to cope with different stress factors.
EnergyMEL is caffeine-free and nicotine-free.
Are there any risks taking Zuf Globus products?
Do not give our products, or any honey, to children under 2 years of age. The immune system of a child of that age has not yet fully developed. There is a possibility that bacteria from honey (all types of honey) might interfere with the child's body (especially botulism bacteria).
Anyone diagnosed with diabetes should consult their physician before using MELs. Other than the above restrictions, there is a risk only to people who are allergic to the plants used to feed the bees.
People who are allergic to honey should not use our products. We do not use any of the most common allergy-triggering plants and trees t which include: Birch, Elm, Cedar, Oak, Pine, Poplar, Walnut, Ragweed, Peanut, Soy, and Wheat.
For each product, we provide a list of plants used to prepare the feed for our honey bees and suggested usage. We recommend checking the list before ordering or using our products.
Can I be allergic to your products?
People who are allergic to honey should not use our products.
We do not use any of the most common allergy-triggering plants which include: Birch, Elm, Cedar, Oak, Pine, Poplar, Walnut and Ragweed, Peanut, Soy, and Wheat.
For each product, we provide a list of plants used to prepare the feed for our honey bees and suggested usage. We recommend checking the list before ordering or using our products.
Are Zuf Globus products Kosher?
Zuf Globus products are manufactured under the supervision of the rabbinate in Kiryat Shmona and Badatz “Eda Haredit”.
How do I find out about the herbs you are using to feed the bees?
For each product, go to the product description.
Can I cancel, change, return or exchange an order?
We sincerely hope you benefit from every Zuf Globus product you purchase. We believe in the quality that nature gives our products and the enriching care they bring to our customers’ lives. So while we don’t offer returns or exchanges (with the exception of 3-pack LifeMel product), we’re happy to address damages and shipping errors so you can be fully satisfied with your purchase.
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How do I find out more?
We welcome your inquiries! Please complete our form to request more information.