Prestigious HerbalGram tells the Zuf Globus story


Prestigious HerbalGram tells the Zuf Globus story

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Zuf Globus is deeply honored by the American Botanical Council’s feature article on Zuf Globus, published in its journal, HerbalGram. To have such a prestigious organization share our story underlies the tremendous significance of our work, our research and our products. 


Zuf Globus head of research Alexander Goroshit, MD and Yehoshua Maor, PhD, founder and chief science officer of Jerusalem-based Phytor Labs, who has studied our products, were interviewed for this beautiful article. 


The importance of bee products for human health  

“Although bees are among the most-studied creatures, researchers still have much to learn about bees and their value to humans with respect to medicine,” writes author Karen Raterman in the article, which begins on page 60. 


“The consumption of Zuf Globus’ proprietary MEL honeys (mel is Latin for “honey”), which have been used in Israel and Europe as food supplements since 2005 and 2007, respectively, and were introduced in the United States in January 2022, (also) has led to some promising results in human clinical studies in the area of immune support,” she tells readers. 


Our perseverance pays off 

The article describes Goroshit’s 30-year journey, which began after he became interested in how a bee’s diet might impact honey’s medicinal qualities. He investigated what would happen if he created a proprietary nectar for bees that contained parts of plants — roots, leaves, stems, bark etc. —  known to have demonstrated health properties.


What followed was a series of trials. “It took a lot of preparatory work and thorough study of available literary sources,” Goroshit recalls. “One of the difficulties was that bees only work for a limited time during the year, so any mistake could only be corrected in subsequent years.” 


The results are exciting. Maor explains, “After consuming the feed, the bees, in their normal honey-making process, metabolize the herbal ingredients along with the sugars of the nectar.” He further suggests that this digestive process may yield metabolites of the plant compounds, leading to potential new active compounds that did not exist in the original herbs.


Zuf Globus has now developed numerous formulations, including several that target immune function and others that support respiratory health, digestive function, women’s health and energy levels. Goroshit explains the selection of plants for each formula is based on scientific data and traditional medicine. 


Research on MELs attracts a lot of attention 

Phytor Labs’ safety and toxicity studies have shown MELs to be very safe and stable. Further, investigations have confirmed the metabolites from the herbal blends are still present and stable in the final products, without degradation. Phytor has also determined that dissolving LifeMEL in hot water did not alter its chemical profile. 


This article goes into great detail describing our two human clinical studies, the first published in Medical Oncology and the second published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. LifeMEL has been shown to support healthy neutrophil counts in chemotherapy patients, helping to manage toxicity and improve quality of life. The article reports, “This plays a critical role in ensuring the completion of chemotherapy treatment and, ultimately, better treatment results.” 


Readers also learn of a study showing other MELs are effective at managing upper respiratory tract and throat health.


Our bees are happy!  

Goroshit tells readers that during MEL production, “We have not noted a negative impact of this process on the bee colony.” 


Author Raterman concludes, “Bee experts seem to concur that a healthy hive is indicative of happy, healthy bees.”


To this we add: Happy, healthy bees can also lead to happy, healthy people. We are committed to continuing our work to further enhance how bees improve our lives.  


@zufglobususa1569 @ZufGlobusUSA @Herbalgram @herbalgramabc

#ZufGlobusUSA #AmericanBotanicalCouncil #Herbalgram #herb #botanical #natural

#herbalhoneys #medicinalhoneys #MELhoneys #healthyhoney 

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